Monday, March 27, 2006

early April fool's

we never did play cards
nor did we break other’s hearts
we had our chances
and our own romances
but none of them were ever heartless dances

it’s said, “let he who has not erred cast the first stone”
i am not that person, nor am i alone
but words are all i have, even if they be all to myself
to beg the question that needs no answer
i’d hope to find in the books on my shelf

we’re both too old to be stupid, my friend
and we never did see this’d happen in the end
we thought we’re learned, experienced, not naïve
save the wildest things our minds could achieve

i guess…
destiny thought it’d be funny,
eagle-eye vision and all, stealth, and a jamboree.
but it’s not. it will not. not ever be.
my friend…
the joke was on you and me.

for the geek goddess' mentor

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