Sunday, October 08, 2006

Per iL Mio Muse... Cor Ad Cor Loquitur

"Vastness Expanding"

if love were a great ocean...

you shall be the waves that fade into the shore, and i, the sand...

yours is a perpetual motion...
with every return, kissing the beach as passionately as the one before the other...
and the sand, as welcoming with each visit.

you shall whisper to me, secrets...
of those beyond the horizon.
that which no seafarer, no fish, nor mer-creature will have ever known...

and the sand shall be amazed...
wide-eyed and eager with every story that the wave brings with him.

the wave shall be the sand's tenant... and the sand, the wave's caretaker.

with none but themselves to offer the other...
the sand's warmth and wave's reassurance,
enough to last for another lifetime together.

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