Monday, March 13, 2006

amnesia complex

i have forgotten...
how a new bath soap delights me, like it were gold.
how shower gels and body scrubs were always considered sold.

i have forgotten...
the joys of sleeping-- boundless hours into the night and day.
how reading a novel in my room on my bed, can transport me to a beach in mid-May.

i have forgotten...
how cleaning white shoes can be quite daunting.
a bit of cinderella and aurora but all self-rewarding.

i have forgotten...
how refreshing and light, neat shins felt.
like the aroma of a tray of baked macaroni topped with a lott'a quickmelt.

and i have forgotten how and why i've lost faith in people...
i have forgotten why i chose solitude to be my trusted friend.
forgotten why i walked this road alone with my shadow.
cannot remember why i longed to be dead...

but now, i am reminded.
i am reminded...

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