Wednesday, February 08, 2006

lost my point...

the thing with blogs, is that you write them and you can be arbitrary with purposes. you can write a blog and keep it to yourself... a blog for everyone to read... a blog that you write for a particular person... a particular group of people... and the list propagates from there. i used to write blogs so that i can share what i feel with people i don't even know... the literary S.H.E. or shared human experience of it drives my creativity. now, the blog is a tool, in the widest sense of the word. a tool (by definition) is a device that provides advantage in accomplishing a particular task... it works for you and nobody else. much like when the caveman (or woman) discovered the gift of fire. fire was his tool... he used it to cook... to provide warmth... defense... and even for creative purposes. now, somewhere along the timeline of man's existence, this tool that we call fire also served a different purpose... the type that leaves a trail of tears, ashes, and ruins after it subsides. this tool worked for man's advantage... but, which man? cardinal fire is the basic form of the double-edged tool that man has come arm himself. this tool has evolved as man has come to formulate more ways to create an advantage. a gun produces a spark upon shooting... a bomb explodes and fire consumes ground zero. let's backtrack now... blog... tool... fire... evolved... fire... tool... blog... disturbing but there is a relation. on a lighter note... BIG TOOLS are an advantage that most people want. *wink wink*

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