Friday, June 09, 2006

meme time (from joel)

The rules:
1. The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different descriptions of their perfect lover.

2. He/she needs to mention the sex/gender of their perfect lover.

3. He/she must tag 8 more people to join this game (and leave a comment on their comments saying they've been tagged).
4. If tagged a second time, there's no need to post again.

a Jeff Corwin...

1. accounts for a refreshing sense of humor (well placed, of course). i need the sunshine due to chronic depression... think like a child and let's share the laughter.
2. also, one who teaches without actually having to teach. just show me your world and i will pick up what my own curiosity fancies... preachy doesn't work for me.

a Nate Berkus...

3. one who will make a comfortable space for me... be it in the physical plane or in his life... who'll make me feel at home when i am with him.
4. and it wouldn’t hurt if he were this cute too.

a Rocco Dispirito...

5. feed me passionately. one whom i can work with in the kitchen and probably love chickenjoy as much as i do.

a Rock Lee...

6. be there for me and tell me i'm safe with you... who can just walk by me and be my sword and shield... i will not give up as long as you don't.

a Son Of Man...

7. one who's faceless... someone the world's never seen or heard of before. someone private and probably unknown... who'll choose to stay at home rather than go out. the one who'll keep me grounded. a nobody... that way, i can truly call him my own.

8. and someone who will not only sing for me... but someone i can sing with.

now tagging: superboy, allan, ramde, chicco, zeit, piijii, lolo, brother john

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