what is happiness?
why does almost everyone want to be happy?
"almost"... because there are those who would prefer to wallow in their own sadness. to sulk in their own inabilities to grant themselves something that they yearn for.
this so called "happiness" that they seek.
what is this happiness that is so coveted throughout man's existence? thought to be worth, what for most men define as happiness, well over the whole world's wealth.
is it? does it even come close to that? is it more or less?
too many have spoken of happiness. too many who would give all else to achieve it.
and still... too many who gave all else only to realize that they've traded their happiness for something else.
at least, they came to know what their "happiness" is… upside, huh?
this happiness is overrated.
much too decorated with what we think will make us happy. for that is our concept of happiness.
it is a wish list, if nothing else...
i am no pessimist... nor am i he who drowns himself in his own tears...
i am simply one who seeks... like you.
but for me, happiness is not something. not a grand idea. not a proven postulate of life.
my happiness is simply the opposite of my sadness. to know of something is to know first of its opposite.
this actually works both ways if we lay it out flat like this... but since happiness is much more trivialized, i chose it over sadness.
think happy thoughts...